Summing up 50 years post high school......

Like others, I ventured out of OTHS (Oakwood Township High School) 50 years ago looking for some unearned freedom and ran right smack into Viet Nam. I luckily survived that experience and in the process found a vocation and set some goals. To achieve what I set out to do I became a student for real. As I did medical things in the military I did that kind of work during school, married a sweetheart who became my 1st wife and eventually prepared to embark on a new career. Turns out the new career start and the end of the 1 st marriage arrived nearly at the same time. I worked in several jobs picking up good experience and also met my 2nd wife who has been my wonderful partner over the last 32 years. I continued in a rigorous career of managing healthcare usually doing assignments less attractive to others but appealing to my tastes. In 1994 I had my first symptom of cardiovascular heart disease that continued to worsen through...