So, just where are you “from?”

It is February 29, 2012 and I was looking at the new layout of my Facebook page and it struck me as odd that it says I am FROM Fithian, IL. (Not that it is bad to be from there) But then I started thinking heck, where am I from? I made good and kind friends in Fithian and attended my last 2 years and graduated from Oakwood Consolidated Township High School. Previous to arriving in Fithian I attended 2 years at Georgetown High School. I also attended school in Catlin, IL, Westville, IL, Chrisman, IL (twice), Kingman, IN, Dana, IN, Hammond, IN, and Hessville, IN. It gets a little foggy at this point but I recall living in Edgar, IL (rural area) and I had my day of birth in Paris, IL. (For several years I would send my mother a photo I took of Paris Hospital telling her the neighbors are still complaining about all of her screaming from that day).

Then I moved to 420 Dobson Hall, Kirksville, MO; I don’t understand exactly why I remember my dorm room number but I don’t think I am from there either. I did attend college for one year after sorting through all the college offers I had received. My criteria was pretty straight forward, I think this was the only college in America that was prepared to allow me to attend; I am forever grateful they gave me the chance and yes, I paid off the school loan. Then a buddy of mine wondered if I was willing to join the Navy with him on the “Buddy System”. My Uncle Fred and Uncle Bud were in the Navy so I was predisposed to that service branch so it seemed a natural selection decision rather than letting selective service do it for me later.

Well, I’m not from any of the places that the Navy took me either but they did give me the gift of deciding on an unexpected career in health care; I worked that career for 40 years. An odd thing about the type of career and specialty area I developed, to advance rapidly I found myself in many different communities and was only able to do that with a loving partner who also enjoyed that kind of challenge (most times, anyway). So we have been coast to coast several times and sorta north and south a couple times; I’m not really from any of those places either!

So where am I from; beats me, but I think it depends on the context of the question. Today I am from “home” which is anyplace my life partner is willing to share, where I keep all my “stuff” and is where we miss and want to return even after a few short days away. I hope I am also equally from a place of kindness, generous spirit and where my failings have faded with time. I hope you are from such a nice place as well.


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