So, just where are you “from?”
It is February 29, 2012 and I was looking at the new layout of my Facebook page and it struck me as odd that it says I am FROM Fithian, IL. (Not that it is bad to be from there) But then I started thinking heck, where am I from? I made good and kind friends in Fithian and attended my last 2 years and graduated from Oakwood Consolidated Township High School. Previous to arriving in Fithian I attended 2 years at Georgetown High School. I also attended school in Catlin, IL, Westville, IL, Chrisman, IL (twice), Kingman, IN, Dana, IN, Hammond, IN, and Hessville, IN. It gets a little foggy at this point but I recall living in Edgar, IL (rural area) and I had my day of birth in Paris, IL. (For several years I would send my mother a photo I took of Paris Hospital telling her the neighbors are still complaining about all of her screaming from that day). Then I moved to 420 Dobson Hall, Kirksville, MO; I don’t understand exactly why I remember my dorm room number but I don’t think I am from th...